The Overlap Magnetic Carrier effectively prevents unwanted light from streaming into a room. Light is kept out even where the curtains overlap in the middle. And the rollers run very smoothly.
This bracket is convenient when there is insufficient vertical space for bracket installation. It is firmly secured with just two screws.
This bracket holds a rail while allowing you to adjust a rail position. Once you finish adjusting a position, simply snap the rail into the bracket to secure firmly.
Installation is easy and the cord is located in a groove to prevent it from becoming entangled with the rollers. The smooth-running rollers also assure easy opening and closing.
* Pleating cord keeps waves evenly shaped, making the curtain rich and stylish.
* For more details about Wave Style, please refer to the catalog "New Delac with Wave Style Components".
Last-in Intermediate Stop is usable both fix and open/close the curtain
Exceptionally convenient for opening and closing wide curtains, curtains installed in a high location, and heavy curtains.